Fiscal Court
Fiscal Court general meetings occur twice monthly on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m, unless advertised otherwise. Meetings are held in the Fiscal Court Room on the second floor of the Fiscal Court Building, 100 West Jefferson Street, La Grange.
For the current schedule of the standing Fiscal Court committee meetings see the schedule below. If cancelled or moved, the Chairman will post a notice on the doors of the Fiscal Court building.
2023 - 2026 Committees
Building Maintenance & Construction
Chair: Brent Likins
Bob Dye, Wayne Theiss
First Tuesday of each month @ 1pm Large conference room, 2nd floor
Economic Development
Chair: Wayne Theiss
Chris Haunz, Stephanie Hawkins
First Tuesday of each month @ 11am Large conference room, 2nd floor
Public Safety & Jail
Chair: Bob Dye
Chris Haunz, Brent Likins
First Tuesday of each month @10am Large conference room, 2nd floor
Chair: Chris Haunz
Kevin Jeffries, Michael Logsdon
Third Tuesday of each month @ 1pm Large conference room, 2nd floor
Human Resources & Grants
Chair: Michael Logsdon
Kevin Jeffries, Kevin Woosley
Third Tuesday of each month @ 12pm Large conference room, 2nd floor
Chair: Kevin Woosley
Stephanie Hawkins, Wayne Theiss
Third Tuesday of each month @ 10 am Large conference room, 2nd floor
Chair: Kevin Jeffries
Michael Logsdon, Kevin Woosley
Third Tuesday of each month @ 11am Large conference room, 2nd floor
Environment, Recycling, Utilities & IT
Chair: Stephanie Hawkins
Bob Dye, Brent Likins
First Tuesday of each month @ 12pm Large conference room, 2nd floor
PUBLIC COMMENT is that time during each meeting of Oldham County Fiscal Court made available for members of the public to bring to the attention of the court items of general significance.
Each meeting of Fiscal Court will include two opportunities for PUBLIC COMMENT.
Members of the public will be allowed up to four minutes of speaking time during each PUBLIC COMMENT. The court suggests that persons speaking more than once during the same meeting use the second PUBLIC COMMENT opportunity to address a new subject. Upon a request by the Judge-Executive or a Magistrate and following a majority vote of the court, an individual’s speaking time may be extended.
Speaking during a PUBLIC COMMENT section will not preclude an individual from speaking again during a PUBLIC HEARING at the same meeting.
The Judge-Executive may discontinue exchange if questions or answers deviate from the dignity of the court. Language deemed by the Judge-Executive to be objectionable will not be permitted.
Following each speaker, the Judge-Executive will allow Magistrates to ask questions for clarification. At the conclusion of each PUBLIC COMMENT, members of Fiscal Court will be given an opportunity to address any topic discussed by members of the public during PUBLIC COMMENT.
A copy of these rules will be placed on the table outside the fiscal court chamber prior to each meeting of Fiscal Court.