Welcome To Oldham County
David Voegele
Joe Ender,
Deputy Judge-Executive
Stan Clark,
Chief Financial Officer
Pat Meador,
County Treasurer
Tina Schaaf,
Human Resources Director
Jessica Nowlin,
Accounting & Payroll Specialist
Holly Prain,
Executive Administrative Assistant / Fiscal Court Clerk
Jodi Hackworth,
Administrative Assistant / Accounting Clerk
Oldham County is named in honor of Colonel William Oldham, Revolutionary War officer and prominent pioneer in the late 1780’s. We were the 74th county in Kentucky, formed from parts of neighboring counties, Jefferson, Henry and Shelby. Our birthday is December 15, 1823.
I am the Judge-Executive, or ‘county judge’, as the position is known. The county judge is the chief administrative officer of county government. The judge-executive does not conduct trials or act as a judge in the sense of a judge and jury, but rather presides at Fiscal Court.
It is not unusual to meet someone who is not familiar with the term fiscal court. In Kentucky, fiscal court is similar to a county commission or county council in other jurisdictions, where priorities are set, policies are determined, and spending decisions determined and/or approved. Oldham County’s Fiscal Court is made up of the judge-executive and eight magistrates. The county judge is elected countywide, while magistrates are elected to represent specific districts from throughout the county. Elections are held once every four years.
Among the responsibilities of the judge-executive are the preparation and execution of the annual county budget, overseeing the county’s finances, and supervising police, road maintenance, planning and development services, and recreation. The judge-executive, with the agreement of Fiscal Court, makes appointments to most of the public boards and commissions operating in the county.
Although Oldham County has great physical beauty, and we are proud of our county, we recognize people as our most valuable resource. As a county government, our primary objective is to protect our quality of life through efficient application of our tax dollars, unmatched customer service among our agencies, excellent schools, respecting nature, well-planned development, family-oriented recreational programs, higher value employment opportunities and civic activities. We also are concerned about and support services and programs for the least able among us, citizens with physical disabilities or financial hardship.
As the manager of government services, my intent is to provide timely and informative communication through cable Channel 184, news media, and other resources. You are invited to contact any public servant for assistance with any matter related to county government.
David Voegele