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Public Safety
Central Dispatch
Director Bo Glass
502-222-0111 (Non_Emergency)
Fax: 502-222-0380
1020 Dispatchers Way
La Grange, KY 40031
Oldham County Central Dispatch is the Primary Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for Oldham County, KY. It provides Emergency and Non-Emergency Dispatch Services for Oldham County Kentucky Fire Protection Districts, Law Enforcement and Oldham Emergency Medical Services.
The Kentucky Certified Telecommunicators of the OCCD have the primary responsibility to process 911 calls as well as other non-emergency calls originating in any of our jurisdictions. We dispatch those calls and direct Police, Fire and EMS by radio to those in crises.
OCCD has an important role providing a vital link between Oldham County Emergency Services and the information they need to be effective and efficient in their daily operations. Often called the nerve center of Public Service we are the initial first responders, taking the call and dispatching Oldham County emergency personnel.
Telecommunicators receive Accredited, nationally recognized training from the Department of Criminal Justice Training located at Eastern Kentucky University.
The training is administered through a four-week Basic Telecommunications Academy. While staying on campus you will become a State of Kentucky Certified Telecommunicator. While attending the academy, you will receive classroom and real-life practical training in Emergency Radio and Telephone Communications and Emergency Medical Dispatch.
RESIDENTS AND FAMILIES... Protect what matters most! Be prepared for any emergency by giving public safety the information they need to better help and communicate with you. Set up your Smart911 profile today!
Want to receive text alerts for Oldham County notifications without setting up a Smart911 profile?
TEXT ALERTS are available WITHOUT a Smart911 account.
Text "OCALERT" to 67283.
2023 OCD Report
Non-Emergency Calls Received: 57,153
Emergency Calls Received: 19,002
Total Telephone Calls Received: 76,153
Outgoing Calls: 15,860
Total Calls Handled: 92,013
Average Wait Time: 00:00:05
Fire Dispatches: 4,142
BVFD: 447
NOFD: 693
SOFD: 1,189
LFD: 1,045
PVFD: 388
WPFD: 132
Police Dispatches: 53,738
OCPD: 31,812
OCSO: 9,943
LPD: 11,983
EMS Dispatches: 5,943
Animal Control Dispatches: 181
Our Partner Agencies
See if you have what it takes to join our team of Public Safety Professionals!
©2025 Oldham County Fiscal Court
100 West Jefferson Street
La Grange, KY 40031
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