Floodplain Administrator
Oldham County Engineer's Office is responsible for Flood Plain Management in Oldham County.
In addition to the state floodplain development permits, a local Oldham County permit is also required. Communities that participate in the NFIP are required to review & issue local floodplain permits in addition with state floodplain permits. Kentucky statute gives local communities the authority to adopt higher standards than the statewide minimum requirements. Locally adopted higher standards benefit communities by reducing flood damage and the overall impacts of floods. These impacts include human risk, environmental damage, property damage, flood insurance claims, displacement of residents, and burden on community infrastructure and services.
Apply for a KY State Floodplain Permit
The KY Division of Water is authorized through KRS 151 to manage development in floodplains. Any type of development in, along, or across a stream requires a floodplain permit from the Division. Typical activities requiring a permit include, but are not limited to, residential & commercial structures, stream crossings, fill, stream alterations & relocations, excavation, grading, and small stream impoundments. State floodplain development requirements are outlined in 401 KAR 4:060 of the Kentucky Administrative Regulations. See the KY Division of Water link above for more information.