Stormwater: Public Education and Outreach (MCM-1)
This webpage provides numerous educational references for individuals to learn more about how to minimize stormwater pollution and improve the water quality of Oldham County creeks, streams, rivers, and watersheds. This webpage will assist residents; property owners that have creeks, streams, and rivers within their properties; property owners that have stormwater systems within their properties (i.e., ditches, swales, catch basins, etc.); farmers; land developers; engineers; and individuals that inspect or maintain erosion prevention and sediment control devices (i.e., qualified professionals). The majority of the information on this webpage has been obtained from the Publications Section of the Oldham County Cooperative Extension
The information contained within this section will help residents and property owners to identify problems with and care for Oldham County’s Stormwater System. Proper care of our stormwater system will help minimize stormwater pollution and improve the water quality of Oldham County creeks, streams, rivers, and watersheds.
The information contained within this section will help residents and property owners to identify problems with and care for creeks, streams, and rivers. Oldham County Engineering recommends everyone interested in this topic to start with item 1), Central KY Backyard Stream Guide (ID242). After you have reviewed some or all of the below guidance and are interested in learning more about protecting and maintaining streams, Oldham County Engineering recommends you consider becoming a “Certified Backyard Stream Steward.” Click Here to find out how to become certified.
The information contained within this section will help residents and property owners to improve yard and garden care. This section focuses on proper yard clipping disposal and how applying fertilizers and pesticides in a responsible manner will help minimize stormwater pollution and improve the water quality of Oldham County creeks, streams, rivers, and watersheds.
This information contained within this section will help residents and property owners associated with agricultural operations. This section focuses on how various agriculture best management practices will help minimize stormwater pollution and improve the water quality of Oldham County creeks, streams, rivers, and watersheds.
This information contained within this section will help residents and property owners properly maintain septic systems installed on their property. This section focuses on how proper maintenance of septic systems will help minimize stormwater pollution and improve the water quality of Oldham County creeks, streams, rivers, and watersheds.
This information contained within this section will help residents and property owners that have pets learn how proper pet waste removal will help minimize stormwater pollution and improve the water quality of Oldham County creeks, streams, rivers, and watersheds.
This information contained within this section will help residents and property owners learn more about watershed management.
This information contained within this section will help land developers, engineers, and qualified professionals to learn more about how to minimize stormwater pollution and improve the water quality of Oldham County creeks, streams, rivers, and watersheds when designing new developments or re-developments and while conducting construction site land-disturbance activities.