Public Safety

The logo for oldham county kentucky established in 1824

Oldham County Kentucky Fiscal Court


MS4 Coordinator

The Oldham County Engineer has been designated as Oldham County’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Coordinator. The primary responsibility of the MS4 Coordinator is to implement a Stormwater Quality Management Program. This program is outlined in the Oldham County Stormwater Quality Management Plan.


The Oldham County MS4 Coordinator implements an annual Stormwater Quality Management Program, which focuses primarily on reducing the amount of pollutants in discharges from municipal separate storm sewers and educating the public in order to improve the water quality of Oldham County’s creeks, streams, rivers, and watersheds.

The MS4 Coordinator accomplishes this mission through the following activities or Minimum Control Measures (MCM):

Public Education and Outreach (MCM-1)

The Oldham County Engineering Staff, and other agencies such as the Oldham County Conservation District and Oldham County Cooperative Extension, can provide educational opportunities for the public to learn how to minimize stormwater pollution and improve the water quality of Oldham County creeks, streams, rivers, and watersheds. Specific educational opportunities focus on how water quality can be improved through:

  1. An understanding of how stormwater systems work,
  2. Knowledge of what erosion is and how to prevent and/or correct it,
  3. The proper application of pesticides and fertilizers,
  4. The proper disposal of paints, oils, and gasoline,
  5. The proper disposal of yard and tree clippings,
  6. The proper disposal of animal waste.

Please contact the Oldham County Engineer's Office if you would like to schedule a presentation to learn more about stormwater systems and how to minimize stormwater pollution. We can present at schools (Kindergarten through College) and to Civic Groups. If you are interested in more information about how to minimize stormwater pollution and improve the water quality of Oldham County creeks, streams, rivers, and watersheds... Please visit our MCM-1 Information & Resource link below.

MCM-1 Resources

Public Involvement/Participation (MCM-2)

The Oldham County Fiscal Court wants to partner with the public and community groups in an effort to minimize stormwater pollution and improve the water quality of Oldham County creeks, streams, rivers, and watersheds. There are several ways we would like to involve the public in this effort:

  1. Free Soil Testing. Oldham County residents can receive a voucher for free soil testing. Soil testing allows residents to know the type and quantity of fertilizer to put on farm lands, commercial property, and residential yards. It also reduces over-application of unnecessary fertilizers which can pollute our stormwaters. Please contact our partner in this endeavor, the Oldham County Conservation District to obtain a voucher.
  2. Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event. The Oldham County Solid Waste Coordinator schedules an annual Household Hazardous Waste Collection event in order to properly dispose of household waste. Please see the Oldham County Solid Waste and Recycling page for more information.
  3. Used Tires Collection Event. The Oldham County Solid Waste Coordinator schedules an annual Used Tires Collection event in order to properly dispose of old tires. Please see the Oldham County Solid Waste and Recycling page for more information.
  4. Stormwater Management District Board meetings. The Oldham County Stormwater Management District Board holds monthly meetings to manage the affairs of the District. The Board encourages public participation in these meetings.

This section provides suggestions regarding how the public can get involved with minimizing stormwater pollution and improving the water quality of Oldham County creeks, streams, rivers, and watersheds. The majority of the information on this webpage has been obtained from the Kentucky Division of Water (KY DOW).

Kentucky Water Watch

The Kentucky Water Watch program is all about “Volunteers” that desire to protect Kentucky waterways (i.e., Rivers, streams, lakes, and wetlands). To find out how you can participate in the Water Watch program in your area, or at your school, please use the following link

Watershed Watch

The Watershed Watch is a public outreach program focused toward supporting the Kentucky Division of Water Watershed Management Plan. Specifically, the Watershed Watch is focused toward enlisting volunteers to help assess the waterways of Kentucky through sampling. To find out how you can participate in the Watershed Watch in your area, please use the following links:

  3. saltriverwatershedwatch

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (MCM-3)

It is illegal to discharge, pour, or wash many substances into Oldham County's stormwater system. Many of these substances include sewage, paints, oils, gasoline, soil, and household cleaners. The Oldham County Engineer's Staff will investigate reports of illicit discharges into the stormwater system. If you suspect one of these substances has been discharged, poured, or washed into Oldham County's stormwater system, please report it to our staff through the following contact information. When reporting an illicit discharge, please provide us with your name, phone number, location of the discharge, and characteristics of the discharge (i.e., color, smell, thickness, etc.).

Help Us Help You

1) Report illegal discharges, spills, and dumping of pollutants (liquids and solids) into stormwater drains and ditches,

2) Report stormwater drainage and run-off issues,

3) Report construction site run-off issues.

Phone - 502-222-1476

KY Environmental Emergency

For severe or urgent discharges, spills or releases, please contact Kentucky’s Environmental Emergency 24-hour hotline:

(24-hour hotline)

Phone: 502-564-2380

Phone: 800-928-2380

Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control (MCM-4)

Contaminated stormwater run-off from residential, commercial, and industrial construction sites is one of the largest pollution sources of Oldham County's stormwater system. To minimize contamination of stormwater run-off from these construction sites, the Oldham County Fiscal Court adopted the Construction Site Run-Off Control Ordinance.  This ordinance minimizes contamination of stormwater through several measures including, but not limited to:

1) Requiring people to apply for a Stormwater Quality Management and Erosion Control Permit and receive their permit before conducting land-disturbing activities,

2) Requiring the permittee to establish erosion control and sediment prevention (ECSP) measures, also known as BMPs, before breaking ground,

3) Requiring a qualified professional to frequently inspect and maintain erosion prevention and sediment control measures,

4) Requiring these inspections to be documented on Oldham County's Stormwater Construction Inspection Report,

The Oldham County Engineering Office suggests that land owners, developers and engineers desiring to conduct land-disturbing activities for a future project site closely examine the Construction Site Run-Off Control Ordinance, Post Construction Stormwater Control Ordinance, and Stormwater Quality Management and Erosion Control Permit Application. Land owners, developers and engineers should click here for more information concerning permit approval, construction and erosion control plan approval, and construction site management practices.

Report Construction Site Run-off

in Oldham County

If anyone suspects a construction site is not in compliance with this ordinance, please report it to the Oldham County Engineer's office. When reporting, please provide us with your name, phone number, and project site location.

Phone: 502-222-1476

Post Construction Stormwater Management (MCM-5)

To minimize contamination of stormwater run-off from post-construction development activities, the Oldham County Fiscal Court has adopted the Post Construction Stormwater Control Ordinance. This ordinance minimizes contamination of stormwater through several measures including, but not limited to:

1) Requiring residential, commercial, and industrial construction projects to include Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs),

2) Requiring Stormwater BMPs to be designed to specific water quality treatment standards,

3) Requiring Owners of Stormwater Management Facilities to conduct routine inspections and maintenance.

The Oldham County Engineering Office recommends that designers and owners of stormwater BMPs closely examine the Post Construction Stormwater Control Ordinance.

Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations (MCM–6)

Oldham County strives to reduce pollutant runoff from its own municipal operations through the development and implementation of The Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Program.

Oldham County Stormwater Management District


Board Member Tad Douglas

Board Member Thomas Springer

Board Member Jim Allen

Under ordinance number KOC 16-610-248, the Oldham County Fiscal Court established a Stormwater Management District in Oldham County to:

  1. Provide for the implementation of the NPDES permit for the improvement of water quality through the MS4 Phase II Program,
  2. Prevent and correct the pollution of streams and provide for the general public health, safety, and welfare,
  3. Provide for the collection, treatment, and disposal of stormwater,
  4. Build, maintain, operate, and repair stormwater improvements and related facilities, and
  5. Engage in other activities conducive to public health, safety, comfort, convenience, and welfare.

Oldham County Stormwater Management District Board

The Oldham County Fiscal Court, under its authority granted to it under KRS Chapter 220.035, has approved a board of directors to be the governing body of the Stormwater Management District. 

Oldham County Stormwater Management District Board Meetings

Once a month the Oldham County Stormwater Management District Board meets to manage the affairs of the District. The Board encourages public participation in these meetings. Meeting agendas and minutes can be found by following the link on the left side of this web page.  Unless otherwise posted, all meetings will be held at 2:30 p.m. on the second Monday of the month at the Fiscal Court Building (meeting dates may be adjusted as a result of observed holidays).

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